Selected Insights Marketing Intelligence for Graduate Recruitment

A statement of purpose.

As part of an application, an admissions essay details a future student’s inspiration, motivation, and purpose for applying to graduate school. Applicants often reveal personal stories and history, their goals and life challenges, and how they believe that achieving a graduate degree will transform their lives and the legacy they leave their loved ones and communities.

Impactful marketing stirs emotions and reaches audiences deeply, resonating at the most profound levels.

A graduate degree is a goal that, for many students, is the steppingstone between where they are and where they want to be, personally and professionally. Utilizing insights from graduate admissions essays is a powerful gateway into the mind and heart of a student.

The Power of Insights

Why consider statement of purpose essays? Applicants reveal backgrounds, goals, triumphs, and challenges. Connecting with these deeply personal factors creates impactful marketing that resonates at an emotional level.

Intelligent Marketing

By gaining a deep understanding of applicants, we can tailor marketing efforts to be more effective and reach future students using profoundly personal insights. Our work allows you to craft messaging that speaks directly to the heart and mind of a future student.

Recruitment Strategy

Whether your graduate programs are highly selective or you are growth-focused, unlocking deep insights into motivations, personality, and behaviors gives you the information to take your graduate recruitment strategy to the next level.

Contact us today to learn more about our work.